SGC Smart Connect Mk II
SGC Smart Connect Mk II
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The software is subject to copyright DEIF A/S
By following the above mentioned link and downloading the file you automatically accept DEIF A/S copyright and license agreement (EULA). The license agreement can be found on
New features
- DTC Manager: added as a tool providing options to update SPN and FMI descriptions and ignore specific SPN/FMI codes.
- Display enhancements: added the ability to display customer details on the boot up screen through the display language tool.
- Remote display functionality: added live link for enhanced remote display capabilities.
- Digital inputs: added "Shutdown override" function.
- Maintenance module: added "Shutdown" as an alarm action.
- Custom sensors: added activation and delay timers.
- Manual mode: added auto load transfer as a separate parameter for mains.
- External EGR support: enabled via digital input.
- File information: added provision for relevant screens.
- AC system: introduced an alternate nominal AC system.
Supported versions:
- SGC 120 Mk II: R12 to R16.01.
- SGC 420 Mk II: R12 to R17.00.
- SGC 120 Mk II Lite: R16.00.
- SGC 420 Mk II Lite: R17.00. |
05/02/2025 |
New features
Supported versions:- SGC 120 Mk II: R12 to R16.01. | |
15/10/2024 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II
New Features
| |
27/06/2024 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II New Features Changes | |
24/04/2024 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II New features | |
28/02/2024 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II New features | |
01/12/2023 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II • Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12, R13 & R14. | |
15/09/2023 |
DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II • Initial release. |
On this page, you can download software updates for your product(s) and help yourself to various utility tools and add-ons that will assist you in setting up, detecting faults and configuring your product(s).
Please be advised that not all of our products can be updated by the user. Nor do all of our products come with a utility tool. Consequently, the list on this page cannot be considered an overview of our product programme.
DEIF will register your download along with the used e-mail address for the purpose of sending out information on future updates, if requested.
DEIF cannot be made responsible for any consequences of failed product updates or use of utility tools. Nor can DEIF A/S be made responsible for consequences of changes in behaviour of products due to a software upgrade. It is always the responsibility of the user to ensure correct set-up and configuration before commissioning. Please study the version log of the software before updating the product.
Licence agreement for software downloaded from
Downloaded software remains the property of DEIF. The software may not be distributed for commercial purposes, changed or reused in full or in part or sold to any third parties.
The latest versions for full functionality
As always, we recommend that you install our offered improvements to fully utilise your DEIF product.
All improved software can be downloaded at your convenience at under “Software”.
Should you have any questions or experience problems finding the relevant software for your product, please feel free to call DEIF A/S at +45 96149614 or your relevant local DEIF office. Alternatively, we are always ready to assist you, if you send an e-mail to